Saturday, 8 November 2008

Time and Space

I have realised that I need time and space, and more importantly quiet, in order to hear my intuition. When I am in the flow I feel light, joyous and able to cope with the world. When I am in chaos and my life is too full and too noisy, I feel unable to cope and stressed.
As stress is now considered to be the basis of most dis-ease, the more I can eliminate it from my life, the healthier and happier I will be!

I had organised a party for tonight's fireworks. But when I added up how many people I had invited, I nearly started crying! I took the bull by the horns and cancelled. Remember what I said in my last entry about looking after yourself and then you life will flow? Well, as a result of that I am calm, and I have spent a lovely day, allowing time to be with my children individually, and generally enjoying myself instead of stressing and cooking and becoming exhausted. And I know that when people cancel on me, a part of me is usually quite relieved to have a night at home.

It has taken me 42 years to work out how to say 'no'! Or, at least, how to say, 'I'll have to think about that', to which people generally say, 'Don't worry, I'll ask someone else.' Result! Saying no without saying no!

Happy Bonfire Night!

Check out The Sanctury of Angels on Free, accurate angel readings!

Monday, 3 November 2008

Effortless Living

I keep getting nudges from the universe to remind me that we should all follow the path of least resistance. It is the way that flows; that keeps us in tune with what we really want and what makes us happy. People often think that following the path which makes us happy is being selfish and unthinking. The time of sacrificing ourselves for others is over; putting others before ourselves. That is the path of dissatisfaction and resentment. Putting your desires and needs first means that they will be met, and we can then function from a satisfied and fulfilled place when dealing with others.

I know this is a hard concept to grasp. We have been brought up by a generation who were taught to put others before themselves and that to satisfy yourself first was a negative and wrong thing; something to be ashamed of. But times have changed. As we become more and more empowered, as we move into our power, we must view the world in a different way. We must see that to make ourselves happy will influence the world profoundly

I was reading recently about the idea of making all corporations work for the common good instead of profit. This paradigm shift, the article maintained, would eliminate the need for warring and angst immediately, as everyone would be working for the same cause: themselves. I couldn't help but get excited at the idea that the world could function in this way. It was like Star Trek: The New Generation predicted all those years ago! Working for your happiness, and everyone else's too! What could we achieve? I realise that this is a very simplistic overview of the world economy, but I always like to ask, 'What if....?'

I am feeling cosier and cosier as the evenings draw in, here in dear old Blighty, and I am looking forward to lighting my fire and hybernating for a while. It gives me time to think and to be inspired.

Follow your heart today and do something because it will make you FEEL GOOD!

Monday, 20 October 2008


Oh dear, I seem to be writing about how bad I have been feeling lately! It is not the case. I just have times when my confidence in the flow of the universe is dented, and I need a lift; something to help my positive thinking return.

Today, I was feeling rather low. I suddenly lost my connection with the universe, or with my angels who whisper to me and guide me. I felt like I was on my own and that everything was just an uphill struggle; that I would have to work harder and harder to make things work.

Just at the moment when I was thinking of giving up, I met a friend and her mother, both of whom are just on my wave-length. I blurted everything out and tried to explain how I was feeling; that although I trusted in the universe and angels, that my confidence was low and I just thought I was kidding myself thinking that things were going to work out.

I needed those pairs of ears to listen to myself; to sort out what I was thinking and to counter what I was saying as I was saying it! Sometimes it is alright to question; alright to look at things with a different perspective. And it is also alright to lean on your friends and use their wisdom to help you sort out problems.

Do you need a friend today? Pick up the phone. Send an email. Friends are like angels sent to help light the way before us. They give love unconditionally. They are non-judgemental and they are supremely loyal.

Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Belief Busting

Beliefs are what everyone has ever said to us - really! Beliefs are so embedded in our psyche that often we are completely unaware of how much they inform and influence how we think, and therefore how we act and function in the world. There are many ways to look at our beliefs and assess their usefulness; whether they are constructive or destructive.

Fiona Harrold has written a book called, 'Be your own Life Coach'. It is a powerful, uplifting book which instills a cast-iron self-belief and indestructible confidence! It really has changed my life.

She includes an exercise about how to challenge negative beliefs; beliefs which are limiting.

Take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns: Positive and Negative. Then spend just 10 minutes brainstorming the beliefs you have about yourself and the world, putting them in the appropriate column. For instance, you may have a strong belief that all finance is bad (very topical! You might also have the belief that you are too fat/thin/tall/short/stupid/boring, and so on.

Look at the negative column when you have finished. Pick out the three most powerful beliefs. Now apply the following to each one.
You are going to dis-empower it. Write down what first comes into your head.
1. How is this belief ridiculous?
2. Whom did this belief come from, and do you still hold them in the same regard? Do they still have the same power over you?
3. What is the short-term cost to you of believing this?
4. What is the long-term cost to you of believing this?

When you have picked over each belief, look at them again and write down the exact opposite. So, you could write, 'I lose weight easily, I am naturally slim' or 'My life is full of great opportunites and lovely surprises' or 'money flows easily into my bank account, too fast for me to spend it!'. Write these out on pieces of paper and stick them up in places you will look at often: near the kettle, by the kitchen sink, on the bathroom mirror, and so on.

Here is the homework! Every time you observe yourself thinking the old, limiting thought, replace it with the new empowering one. I found that when I first did this (and I have pieces of paper posted around my kitchen as things change!) my internal dialogue began to default to the new thoughts after only TWO WEEKS!

Try it and surprise yourself. If you know anything about 'The Secret' or quantum mechanics, you will know that the energy of your thoughts attracts the things that have the same energy. In other words, if you think positively, positive things will happen for you.

Please try this - it is like magic! I would be delighted to hear from you if you find it as amazing as I did.

Love and light to you

Monday, 13 October 2008

Slow Down!!

It seems to me that we in Western Europe are generally taking things too fast! I mean, we live our lives at top speed, racing here and there, generally forgetting ourselves and what it all means.

I received a speeding ticket through the post last week; my first in 25 years of driving. I was embarrassed, then angry, then I realised that the universe is telling me to SLOW DOWN! I have become so used to living 'on the edge', in other words, just leaving enough time to get to school if there is no traffic, and driving faster than I should to get there. The trouble with that is if someone gets in my way, I am stressed on two counts: I must drive this fast for my children to get to school on time, and I want to drive fast because I am used to it!

So, today, I left enough time to get where I was going without speeding, without becoming tense because someone wanted to drive slower than me, and without having that 'edgy' feeling that comes with stress. And a funny thing happened. I was relaxed, my children were relaxed, I was able to think straight and I arrived with a smile on my face.

We all need to take the time to enjoy the journey. We must live in the present, and enjoy each moment, instead of always thinking about the moment to come. It doesn't even exist yet! But we live in the Now.

Take time to relish where you are and the autumn leaves that are spiralling down around you. And if you are late, then be late with a smile on your face!

Take care

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

A windy day......

I love the wind. It blows out old, stagnant energy and makes way for new, inspiration and creativity.
What is it that you have been wanting to do? What is it that would make your heart sing today?
How can you bring more of that into your life today?

Think back about something that you absolutely loved to do when you were a child. How could you bring some more of that child-like creativity, enthusiasm and time-lessness into your life? Perhaps you loved painting, or making models, or using plasticine? Take some time now to think about how you felt when you were doing whatever it was. Can you remember that blissful state where nothing else mattered except what your hands were doing right then and there? Can you remember the emptiness of your mind, the stillness of your being, when you were lost in the activity?

We all need some of that blissfulness in our lives, and many of us don't make enough time for it. Create a 'Bliss List' for yourself to pin up somewhere. When you have a spare 10 minutes, or when you are feeling a bit down, look at the list and pick something that will give you an instant lift; and instant bit of Bliss. Even the word sounds like soft, marshmallowy clouds - soft and delicious!

Have a blissful day!

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Sometimes things just aren't right.....

I was out of sorts yesterday. Things just didn't feel right. I was hungry nearly all day and felt grumpy. I don't have many days like this, so when they come I spend my time working out what is wrong and what I can do about it.

Actually, days like these serve to give me a new perspective of my life; what I have, what I am grateful for and that I really am happy. It's like a photo negative; the darker side of yourself, from where you can observe the lighter part and accept all parts of yourself. Of course, we all have dark and light within ourselves. It is important to accept all of yourself, happy or sad, 'good' or 'bad' (those descriptions really grate for me!). Acceptance of yourself as being perfectly yourself means that you can function in the world without judgement, without prejudice and without a feeling of lack because you are in a state of fulfillment, you are whole.

You are the only one who really matters because if you love yourself, you can love the world around you. Lack or feelings of inadequacy and insecurity come when we cannot accept and love every part of ourselves. We need to look within; to be true to ourselves. When we love ourselves, the universe flows freely; creating the life and the world that we want and dream of.

Lack, insecurity and inadequacy come from our internal belief systems. Beliefs about ourselves are made up of everything anyone has ever said to us - really! These systems are so powerful that most of the time we cannot see or know that our beliefs drive every thought that we have.
There are many, many methods and techniques to help clear away old, useless debris. As a life coach, I have learned how to help people on to the road to new, empowering beliefs.

Next post, I will take you through a belief busting exercise. Tune in next time!

Friday, 19 September 2008

Indian Summer!

Well, perhaps I was wrong and we are in for a lovely Autumn! Get some sun in your eyes and on your skin today.

Thought for today: Look after yourself and everything else will follow.

I don't mean this in a negative, selfish way. Looking after yourself means following what makes you feel really great. When you feel good and you look after your own needs, you have more positive energy and that positive energy touches everything and everyone around you, and that changes every experience you have with the outer world. You also look good, whatever your shape or size, you exude love and sexy energy. Quantum physicists tell us that the way we feel directly impacts the experience we have with the world; it draws to us similar energy and feelings. So, we actually create the world around us.

So, today, look after yourself. Do something that makes you feel GREAT. Take a little time to do what you love to do, to get your energy in the right place to create the world you want!

Thursday, 18 September 2008


What a lovely, sunny morning. Not sure where this so-called Indian Summer is, but at least we are seeing some sunshine. We all need a good dose of sunshine (not that I am advocating sun-bathing, you understand!), we need to get some sun in our eyes and on our skin to make us feel good and to generate some very necessary vitamin D.

Mornings like this make me want to start new things, to get something out that I have been working on and FINISH IT! Much is the same with our lives; we start thinking about a change, career or otherwise, and that is as far as we get. Now is the time to start thinking about what we really want out of our lives. What is it that we have always wanted but never had the impetus to follow up? What is it that makes time stand still? What is our passion?

Follow your passion and everything else follows too. It could be said that making sure you do things which make you happy, following the path of least resistance, makes your life flow.
So, what makes you happy? How can you get more of that into your life today? What could you do this week to make that happen?

Have a lovely, passion-filled day!

Monday, 14 January 2008

Think positively

I have had a lovely day reading about how to think more positively, how to achieve what you want in your life and how to have a great time getting there.

Feeling good about yourself is fundamental to starting to achieve your dreams and turn them into reality. We all inherit negative thought patterns from our experiences of life. It is up to us to stop believing our thoughts and to retrain our brains to think positive, empowering thoughts. Only by doing this will we be truly free.

Check out Byron Katie's website, , where her Utube clips show how believing our negative thoughts affects our lives and stops us from living joyously.

Next time you have a negative thought about yourself, turn it into a positive one until it becomes a habit.