Friday 19 September 2008

Indian Summer!

Well, perhaps I was wrong and we are in for a lovely Autumn! Get some sun in your eyes and on your skin today.

Thought for today: Look after yourself and everything else will follow.

I don't mean this in a negative, selfish way. Looking after yourself means following what makes you feel really great. When you feel good and you look after your own needs, you have more positive energy and that positive energy touches everything and everyone around you, and that changes every experience you have with the outer world. You also look good, whatever your shape or size, you exude love and sexy energy. Quantum physicists tell us that the way we feel directly impacts the experience we have with the world; it draws to us similar energy and feelings. So, we actually create the world around us.

So, today, look after yourself. Do something that makes you feel GREAT. Take a little time to do what you love to do, to get your energy in the right place to create the world you want!

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