Wednesday 1 October 2008

A windy day......

I love the wind. It blows out old, stagnant energy and makes way for new, inspiration and creativity.
What is it that you have been wanting to do? What is it that would make your heart sing today?
How can you bring more of that into your life today?

Think back about something that you absolutely loved to do when you were a child. How could you bring some more of that child-like creativity, enthusiasm and time-lessness into your life? Perhaps you loved painting, or making models, or using plasticine? Take some time now to think about how you felt when you were doing whatever it was. Can you remember that blissful state where nothing else mattered except what your hands were doing right then and there? Can you remember the emptiness of your mind, the stillness of your being, when you were lost in the activity?

We all need some of that blissfulness in our lives, and many of us don't make enough time for it. Create a 'Bliss List' for yourself to pin up somewhere. When you have a spare 10 minutes, or when you are feeling a bit down, look at the list and pick something that will give you an instant lift; and instant bit of Bliss. Even the word sounds like soft, marshmallowy clouds - soft and delicious!

Have a blissful day!

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