Thursday, 25 September 2008

Sometimes things just aren't right.....

I was out of sorts yesterday. Things just didn't feel right. I was hungry nearly all day and felt grumpy. I don't have many days like this, so when they come I spend my time working out what is wrong and what I can do about it.

Actually, days like these serve to give me a new perspective of my life; what I have, what I am grateful for and that I really am happy. It's like a photo negative; the darker side of yourself, from where you can observe the lighter part and accept all parts of yourself. Of course, we all have dark and light within ourselves. It is important to accept all of yourself, happy or sad, 'good' or 'bad' (those descriptions really grate for me!). Acceptance of yourself as being perfectly yourself means that you can function in the world without judgement, without prejudice and without a feeling of lack because you are in a state of fulfillment, you are whole.

You are the only one who really matters because if you love yourself, you can love the world around you. Lack or feelings of inadequacy and insecurity come when we cannot accept and love every part of ourselves. We need to look within; to be true to ourselves. When we love ourselves, the universe flows freely; creating the life and the world that we want and dream of.

Lack, insecurity and inadequacy come from our internal belief systems. Beliefs about ourselves are made up of everything anyone has ever said to us - really! These systems are so powerful that most of the time we cannot see or know that our beliefs drive every thought that we have.
There are many, many methods and techniques to help clear away old, useless debris. As a life coach, I have learned how to help people on to the road to new, empowering beliefs.

Next post, I will take you through a belief busting exercise. Tune in next time!

Friday, 19 September 2008

Indian Summer!

Well, perhaps I was wrong and we are in for a lovely Autumn! Get some sun in your eyes and on your skin today.

Thought for today: Look after yourself and everything else will follow.

I don't mean this in a negative, selfish way. Looking after yourself means following what makes you feel really great. When you feel good and you look after your own needs, you have more positive energy and that positive energy touches everything and everyone around you, and that changes every experience you have with the outer world. You also look good, whatever your shape or size, you exude love and sexy energy. Quantum physicists tell us that the way we feel directly impacts the experience we have with the world; it draws to us similar energy and feelings. So, we actually create the world around us.

So, today, look after yourself. Do something that makes you feel GREAT. Take a little time to do what you love to do, to get your energy in the right place to create the world you want!

Thursday, 18 September 2008


What a lovely, sunny morning. Not sure where this so-called Indian Summer is, but at least we are seeing some sunshine. We all need a good dose of sunshine (not that I am advocating sun-bathing, you understand!), we need to get some sun in our eyes and on our skin to make us feel good and to generate some very necessary vitamin D.

Mornings like this make me want to start new things, to get something out that I have been working on and FINISH IT! Much is the same with our lives; we start thinking about a change, career or otherwise, and that is as far as we get. Now is the time to start thinking about what we really want out of our lives. What is it that we have always wanted but never had the impetus to follow up? What is it that makes time stand still? What is our passion?

Follow your passion and everything else follows too. It could be said that making sure you do things which make you happy, following the path of least resistance, makes your life flow.
So, what makes you happy? How can you get more of that into your life today? What could you do this week to make that happen?

Have a lovely, passion-filled day!