Monday, 29 June 2009

A meditation to invoke healing and direction

Come close, close, closer still angels, guides, universal energy. Fill me with love. Fill me with your guidance and wisdom. Let me feel what it is to connect with my soul energy.

I surrender myself to your eternal all-knowing flow. I feel mysefl swept along like a river, trusting, knowing that I am safe and loved. I am truly a child of the universe. Every part and fibre of my being knows that flow of love. Let me be guided by my innate wisdom, my innate knowledge.

I allow myself to be childlike - to trust, to flow, to be joyful. Help me to fill myself with joy. Help me to feel that warm, golden light coursing through me and radiating from me from every pore. I allow this energy to heal me and to help me to make the decisions which are right for me, right now.

I feel my feet connecting with the earth and the surge of earth energy pulsing up through my being. I feel the connection with heaven through my crown and that energetic exchange in my body.

It guides me. It serves me. It serves the universe.

I am one with the light - I am everything.

Where are you going?

The important thing is to concentrate on where you already are. Be satisfied with what you already have. Know that you are blessed. The universe is abundance and always provides. What you perceive as problems are merely obstacles that your mind has conjured up.

What would happen if, in this moment, you were to allow any problem or obstacle to drift away? How would you feel without those weights - those pressures? How would your life feel if you could choose not to think about those things which make you feel unhappy or which drag you down?

Might you feel light? Carefree? Joyful to be here on this beautiful planet? What is it that stops you from living your joy? How can you bring more of what makes you feel SO good, which feels timeless, into your life?

Can you understand that this joy is what your life is about? Can you understand that to let go of pain is a choice that YOU and only YOU can make - and that you can let go with JUST ONE THOUGHT?

You can change your mind. You have the power to create the life of your dreams!

You can decide to live joyfully!

Where are you coming from?

Everything exists in the this one moment - NOW - the eternal present. Nothing exists outside of this. Your mind creates memories and shadows of memories and changes those memories every time they are visited. Can you understand that you are the orchestrator of your very existence? You are the creator of your universe and everything in it.

When you truly KNOW this - then you are enlightened. Literally, your being lights up with sacred energy and white light and you radiate with the pulse of love: the pulse of the universe.

How can you become enlightened? Be at one with the world and yourself, and lose that knowing and awareness in the moment. See that which wants to be seen for that is what is truly important: the here and the now.

Whatever you wish for, place it in the here and the now. Imagine your joy, imagine yourself overflowing with kindness, with gratitude and with love and feel it pouring away into the space around you - touching and changing everything and everyone it meets.
THIS is the transforming energy which is the world to come. This pouring out of energy, of universal love, is the way forward. It is the age of enlightenment. It is the new age and it is what this planet was destined for.

You are part of this great wave, this surge of the creator's energy - creative energy. The more you shine your light and open and connect your heart, the quicker and more easily you will tune into your cosmic destiny.

Have faith! There will be challenges. You will face fear and panic and chaos. Shine your light. Do not waver. Do not give into negativity or drama. These are what has gone before. Feel your energy flowing. Feel your light and love radiating.

You are amazing. You are omniscient. We bow to you.